Thoughts on Curtis’ Hypernormalisation

Bill Tribble
Saving the World
Published in
2 min readOct 22, 2016


So I got round to watching Curtis’ Hypernormalisation. I like Curtis, but I really don’t see the point of this movie other than for him to show off how smart he is and / or what a good story-teller he is.

What’s the point? If you haven’t seen it already — here you are, I’ll save you the effort. You can sum up the entire movie in a few sentences: Everything in politics / media / business is fake, Social media is pointless, everyone is vane and easily manipulated by the internet, and we’re all completely fucked. He delivers no real insights, just passing observations and random correlations.

Thanks, Adam Curtis, I really needed to waste 2 hours of my life while you told me how fucking awful everything is. Also, I don’t agree.

/rant off.

On reflection, I guess he’s providing some kind of service by drawing the dots here and there. But honestly, I feel like I *knew* 90% of the bumf in here — and whats the point in repeating it in film after film, without ever pointing to an alternative, to a better way of doing things, to some improvement on the status quo?

And I’m not linking it here to save you the click. Watch something good that will inform you, enlighten you, show you a way forward, and cheer you up! (suggestions welcome). Or read this book that is actually useful:

The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains
by Nicholas Carr — )

